Accessible tourism

Accessible tourism

Accessible tourism is about making it easy for everyone to enjoy tourism experiences.

Making tourism more accessible is not only a social responsibility – there is also a compelling business case for improving accessibility as it can boost the competitiveness of tourism in Europe.

Evidence shows that making basic adjustments to a facility, providing accurate information, and understanding the needs of disabled people can result in increased visitor numbers.

Improving the accessibility of tourism services increases their quality and the enjoyment of all tourists. It also improves the quality of life in local communities.

The European Commission is committed to increasing accessibility in tourism through a number of actions.

We invite you to deep the topic

  1. visiting the European Commission dedicated page: European commission
  2. visiting PANTOU: a free online register for accessible tourism providers in all areas of the value chain.
Pantou - Badge Accessible tourism
Pantou – The accessible tourism directory

ERASMUS+ project