Project coordinator

Public institution Panevezys Labour Market Training Centre – Lithuania
Public institution Panevezys Labour Market Training Centre was founded in 1952. It offers modern vocational training and high quality services both to people and to companies. The Training Centre collaborates with Labour Exchange and business organisations and trains unemployed people, sent by territorial Labour Exchanges, as well as employees sent by employers and persons who come to learn on their own initiative. The organisation is certified by Quality Management Certificate ISO 9001:2008 (LST EN ISO9001:2008).
Project partners

European Network for Accessible Tourism non-profit association – Belgium
ENAT is an association which promotes accessibility to tourism for all citizens, in Europe and around the world. ENAT began as an EU-funded pilot project for “mainstreaming disability policies” in 2006-2007 and became a non-profit association based in Belgium in 2008. It is led by an international Board of Directors and has a multi-stakeholder membership of about 100 organisations, comprising both tourism suppliers, public authorities in the tourism sector, researchers, profesisonals and consumer organisations. ENAT’s activities include research studies, destination managment and development, delivery of training programmes, information and dissemination, organisation of conferences and events, policy development, support to its Members and consulting services to public and private sector organisations.

Bluebook s.r.l. – Italy
Bluebook s.r.l. is a SME communication agency, with a special expertise in social communication and education. At the core of our culture are the values of quality, integrity, respect, entrepreneurial spirit, mutual benefits and citizenship. We imagine a world in which work and knowledge are an opportunity for personal growth and economic development, and we have been working for about 16 years to realize this idea, through projects and initiatives that help enterprises, organisations and people to improve their abilities and skills, to relate to each other, to solve their problems and to communicate to the world in an effective and respectful way.

ENGIM, Piemonte Vocational Training Organisation – Italy
ENGIM Piemonte is a vocational training organisation located in Turin, in the north west of Italy. Its main actions have always been devoted to young people and their initial vocational training as it started its activities in the late nineteenth century but, since 2005 a lot of actions have been developed also in the field of vocational training in a broader sense. There are different kinds of courses for several target groups, including: migrants, unemployed people, companies and local authorities.

Tecminho private non-profit organisation – Portugal
TecMinho is a certified training organisation accredited by DGERT (Portuguese Directorate-General for Employment and Work Relations), founded in 1990 as an interface of the University of Minho. We are a private non-profit organisation located in Guimarães, Portugal (northern region), aiming to promote the region’s development by stimulating new technologies and by promoting the transfer of knowledge between the University, enterprises and society. Our main purpose is to support services in the fields of innovation and new technologies and deliver continuous, advanced and specialised training and strategic information.
Contact: Mrs. Vaida Sinkevičienė, Project Specialist, Email: